What is an abusive relationship?

A perfect relationship is one in which everything is in its proper place. Love might face substantial challenges if at least one person is disinterested or overprotective of the other. Being smothered occurs when one of the lovers constantly sweeps dust particles away from the other, acts as a father, and overprotects the other. This can be beneficial to the formation of relationships, but it can also be detrimental. How do you tell your significant other that they are overprotecting you or stop treating them like a child?

What does abusing mean in relationships?

sad couple

To begin, you must determine when routine care becomes a parental instinct. Assume you’re married, and your major aim now is to establish comfort and maintain a good atmosphere in your house. You attempt to satisfy your spouse in every way possible, rushing home from work to feed them on time, caring for them as if they were a young child, and entirely forgetting about yourself. This is the result of the spouse’s overprotection or the maternal instinct. Perhaps you miss previous relationships in which your spouse was emotionally immature and expected you to behave in this manner. 

When people display excessive worry for a spouse, they often forget that their other halves are completely self-sufficient individuals. They become helpless, like little toddlers, as a result of overprotection. You can’t expect the same behavioral patterns from anybody you meet on a dating service for single ladies. When one of the partners believes their private space boundaries have been broken, when they feel suffocated, the other partner should cease exerting pressure on them.

Examples of abusive relationships

Each individual establishes the boundaries of their own space, which encompasses their interests, hobbies, habits, and feelings – all of which contribute to our well-being. Their partner’s job is to treat this place with respect and consideration. Here are five examples of suffocation in a relationship that you should avoid: 


Everyone has their own space when they live together – a location (or areas) where they keep their own possessions, books, clothing, and so on. Only this individual should have access to their space so that no one else does so without their permission. Smothering is when you read your loved one’s calendars without their permission, tidy their desk without their consent, or rearrange their things in their closet.


It is not uncommon for one spouse to dislike what the other is doing, such as their interests and preferences. They also create a personal area that should be respected and never mocked. It might be difficult for someone to resist their partner’s push. The ambition to control another person is always seen negatively and with animosity. For example, it is harmful behavior if just one of the pair decides the film to see without considering the ideas of the other.

Sharing mates

When spouses share the same hobbies and friends, it’s ideal. They may enjoy life together by spending their free time together. Your buddies, on the other hand, should not necessarily be your partner’s pals. If your other half attends every party with you, there is no room for you to back up. Another example of suffocated meaning in a relationship is when you express you want to spend time with friends and your partner asks: “This is fantastic! Where are we going?”


Everyone has their own idea of how to hang out and rest. Some people like to be alone in order to think. Others prefer to see a movie or go on a car ride. Others like to spend their time in a loud environment, such as a disco. You must stick to the same principles as in the preceding paragraphs: it is essential to understand your spouse and avoid interfering with their preferred mode of relaxation. In a relationship, prohibitions and accusations from one of the partners are suffocating.


Have you ever caught your spouse making a joke about the way you look, dress, or speak? Do they treat you as if you were a child, certain that you are incapable of making important decisions? Those are indicators that you’re being suffocated in your relationship. These seemingly little details are evident indicators of overprotection and a hierarchy in which your partner feels he or she is superior to you. Don’t put up with it any longer.

Realizaing you are abusing each other

a couple with a laptop

Some people may do this unintentionally. Others use this strategy to combat their fears. However, invading your partner’s personal space, overprotection, and pushing your point of view are all symptoms of being suffocated in a relationship. What additional symptoms of this occurrence might you look for?

Always around

This is a constraint of freedom if one spouse does not know what to do in the absence of the other and does not have diverse interests. After work, a smotherer is unable to go to the shop, linger to speak with a friend, or stroll around the boulevards, pecking at the fall leaves to process the events of the day. They require a continuous companion and rely on their spouse to provide it.


A spouse may also begin to entirely care for a loved one, such as a youngster who is incapable of doing anything and is unaware of the dangers of the real world. Of course, this is due to sensitivity and care, but rude comments and continual criticism will not increase your partner’s love for you.


We all know how unpleasant it is to read other people’s letters and communications. Not simply because there’s a chance you’ll learn something you don’t want to know. It’s just that each of us requires our own private space. If partners don’t disclose their email passwords, it’s not because they’re trying to hide something. This indicates that they have their own private place.

No trust

It’s hard to entirely calm down your partner’s jealously, anxiety, and concerns no matter how much you try to persuade them of the genuineness of your affections by using manipulations like “I worry about you, love and care about you.” You must recognize that when someone tries to dominate you, violates your personal limits, and ignores your repeated pleas, this is psychological assault, not caring and affection.

Acting like a parasite

A parasite is someone who consumes but gives back either nothing or significantly less than they took. What is causing this? When a person feels that they can utilize other people’s resources to fill in the gaps in their own life, they parasitize. According to the rule of balance, if someone clings to us and parasitizes us, we are most likely parasitizing on someone else. As a result, keeping track of who we speak with, how we communicate, and for what reason is critical.

What to do if you have an abusive relationship?

You now understand the many smothering meaning instances and why it is critical to avoid them. What should you do now that you have all of this information? Even in this case, going from words to actions will not be difficult. You need to be more careful about how you approach your connection and how you change your internal attitudes. We’ll make a few suggestions to make things easier for you.

Take a look at your behavior

Examine your interactions with your partner: are you invading their personal space too much? Even if they remain silent, this does not imply that all is OK. People can put up with the existing state of affairs for a long time, but patience has a limit, and a person can “boil” at any time.

Busy yourself

Take on a new challenge and strive for healthy self-sufficiency. In the scenario of feeling suffocated in a new relationship, an uncommon action will come in handy. You must have interests that are unrelated to your partner. Schedule a meeting, spend time with friends, do the things you’ve been putting off, or concentrate on your inner peace.

Give more freedom

Stop dictating your partner’s every move. Many individuals believe it is their responsibility for whatever reason, but who says we have the right to such power? We are not the owners of a partner. They are not our possessions. Stop this suffocating relationship immediately if you are always checking your significant other’s phone, reading text messages and watching calls, surreptitiously visiting a page on social media, or doing something similar.

Being different is OK

It’s critical to recognize that your partner’s interests may differ significantly from yours. Chopin is your favorite composer, and they like hockey. Is this something that needs to be addressed? Is this anything that you should be concerned about? It would be beneficial if you did not issue any ultimatums, force your sweetheart into the music hall to listen to the piano, or pull her grudgingly into the ice arena.

Establish personal borders

You may do better for yourself and your relationship by just accepting that time spent apart is a very natural and expected occurrence. We repeat: each of us has our own wants, aspirations, and requirements, which may or may not be shared by our partner.

Control yourself

All of this is wonderful: care, affection, and custody. However, keep in mind that a cake with too much sugar will lose its appeal. Make a comparison to relationships. You don’t have to believe that caring for your chosen one 24 hours a day, seven days a week would make them fall more in love with you. 

Of course, your partner will be grateful for the affection and attention they receive. When a relationship transcends the healthy boundaries, though, your behaviors may cause your partner to feel suffocated. If taking care of others is your passion, you should seek professional help. Nobody tells you that you can’t communicate love, respect, or tenderness. Maintain a sense of balance in all you do, and respect the personal boundaries of the people you care about.
