How to make your dating profile look great

Creating an eye-catching and conversational dating profile is the key to building meaningful connections, whether you’re venturing into the world of online dating for the first time or renewing your dating profile after a year of solitary due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The images and phrases you use to present yourself to potential daters serve as a first impression, and if you go about it incorrectly, you may find yourself with fewer matches and hence fewer opportunities to meet a possible spouse.

Online daters frequently fall into the trap of sounding or appearing inauthentic. A dating profile should focus on your passions, explain what makes you distinctive, and show that you’re someone worth spending time with one-on-one.

We took a deeper look at life hacks that make you more appealing in your dating profile since incorporating all of this information into your online presence might be difficult.

a woman with a laptop

What is a profile?

After you’ve considered the preceding point, you’ll have all the information you need to make the best decision. With the information you’ve acquired, you can find a dating site that meets all of your requirements and register. Because this technique is simple, it won’t take long. A few easy actions can get you to the heart of internet dating. Even if such services offer user-friendly interfaces with straightforward navigation, appealing graphics, and sensible structure, knowing certain life hacks can help you have the best experience possible.

Don’t rush through the process of setting up your account. It is critical that you pay close attention to your profile. The explanation is straightforward: your profile is the only link between you and other users. Because the internet is essentially you, do yourself a favor and fill up your profile completely. If you need some inspiration, look at other members’ profiles or just tell us everything about yourself using all of the available choices, such as uploading images, specifying your general and personal information, describing yourself with a brief introduction paragraph, and so on. Profiles allow you to cut down on your search time by hundreds of percent. Imagine having the memoirs, “CVs,” and contact information for all the females you liked at a party. There would be no need to squander time then. By just perusing her profile, you may learn anything you want to know about her and determine whether or not you want to communicate with her.


Because your profile is so important, it’s a good idea to make it as colorful and appealing as possible. And if you’re wondering how you may improve your personal profile, we have a few tips for you. This isn’t a list of secret functions or tactics for increasing your popularity and obtaining rights; rather, it’s a note with helpful hints that should make your work a little easier. You may not consider these factors because you lack experience or are preoccupied with other matters. So, here’s what you can do to help yourself:

Think about what you want to say

Do you go out in a filthy and stinking manner? No, especially if you’re on a date. To make the best impression, we constantly attempt to look our best, mind our manners, and pay special attention to details. Because you can’t forget about an impression you make on the internet, make sure your data is up to date: use high-quality photographs that show people how you appear right now, use only accurate information, avoid using nasty language, and update your profile as required.

Be creative

Thinking of a creative, distinctive aspect for your profile is the finest approach to stand out in a throng of similar individuals. This is something that the «About me» section may assist you with. For example, write something unique about yourself that will capture people’s attention.

Take care of your photos

Whether you like it or not, the photographs you select for your dating profile will be the first impression you make on other online daters. Everyone will move on if your photographs aren’t appealing because words can’t communicate as much as a picture can. It’s advisable to share five to seven different photographs, but the full-body shot is likely the most significant because people are frequently disappointed when their in-person date doesn’t look anything like their profile photo. In the long run, being honest about your appearance will benefit you. It’s like, “Where do we go from here?” if you start with dishonesty.

Be positive and keep your head up

Even if you’re not sure if online dating is for you, making your profile as positive as possible can draw people to you. Rather than starting with all of the things you don’t like (or even using the term “don’t” at all), start with what you do like or want in a relationship.

Many individuals underestimate the impact of their mood, resulting in dull, sad, and uninteresting profiles. This is a common blunder made by newcomers. Maintain a light, welcoming, informative, and easy-to-read profile. People are more comfortable with individuals that don’t share bad sentiments, therefore following these criteria will result in more matches.

Don’t waste your time

Once you’ve created your dating profile, don’t be a pushover and wait for your match to initiate contact. It’s critical to react to potential dates as soon as possible. It should be done as soon as the connection is established. You’re more likely to obtain a response from your interest if you answer within a few hours after matching than if you respond later. We also recommend that you have a few video conversations with your Slavic match before scheduling your first in-person meeting. Not only will the spotlight shine brightly on your small online nook thanks to these dating profile hacks, but you’ll also reap the advantages of discovering your love far faster than you thought.


a sad woman with a laptop

Upload photos with other people

It might be perplexing or off-putting to share photographs of yourself with a group of people. If you upload a photo of yourself with your same-sex buddies, a potential date could have problems identifying who you are. If you share one with your opposite-sex buddies, they may misunderstand your intentions.

Also, highlighting the toilet seat or other, well, intimate sections of your home using bathroom mirror photos is a major no-no. According to experts, it’s advice that needs to be repeated.

Sharing photographs that demonstrate your hobbies, on the other hand, is the way to go. With your photo, you may start a conversation. You may, for example, upload a selfie with your dog or a photo from a beloved vacation spot.

Use false information

It’s a common situation when people want to make themselves look a little better than in real life. Especially if we are talking about people who had either bad experiences or no experience in relationships at all. This is when people may tell others something that doesn’t really match with reality. This could be anything from physical parameters to occupation and hobbies. A desire to become more popular and make people like you is pretty simple to understand. However, it’s an awful idea for many reasons. First of all, you can’t start a relationship with a lie. This is the worst way to meet love. Besides, the truth always comes out, so lying in your profile means wasting your and potential partners’ time. 

Show personal contacts

Although this is a rule for the majority of dating services, some platforms do not ban accounts with personal info, such as mobile phones or personal emails, for example. This is not a good idea because the only you can get from this are calls and messages from scammers and bots. You can give your phone number directly to a person with whom you are ready to ensure more close connection. Moreover, people don’t tend to trust profiles with information like this because they think it’s not OK to make this data public. 


As you can see, online dating is pretty straightforward, but it also requires some knowledge and preparations to make it efficient. Do not underrate the importance of various elements even though they may seem not significant enough. Everything here is connected and it gives you the necessary opportunities to achieve success if you do it properly. So, your profile here is one of the most significant things. It’s your weapon to fight loneliness and misery. Remember simple tips we have prepared for you to win this fight and find the most suitable companion for you.
