12 basic rules to find love

Do you feel lonely? People often try to find love with no success, which is terrible. Such failures make you give up on trying and carrying on. The reason why you cannot reach your goals is that you don’t know how to. It’s impossible to solve a mass problem, for instance, without the necessary knowledge. So it goes the same for relationships. Even though love cannot be explained completely or calculated, it’s possible to understand the nature of communication and the principles of dating. So, if you want to become a person who has the most wonderful and suitable partner and you are ready for such responsibility — you are welcome! Just keep in mind the following rules and follow them to get what you want.

a happy couple

1. Go and search for love with no doubts or fears

People tend to think that love is something unexpected, something that we don’t choose because it’s a miracle that is in the Lord’s hands only. But the truth is that you can’t just sit and wait until a miracle happens. You have to do something, put in as much effort as you can, and enjoy the results after. It’s like waiting for a perfect job without making a CV, educating, and so on. Your task is to do your best and keep moving even after you fall down. Otherwise, the chance that you will obtain what you search for is not high, to be honest. 

2. Find places with like-minded folks like you

The best way to find a person who understands you, shares your views and interests, and likes the same things is to search for such a person in places you would like. There are a lot of different organizations, clubs, and other places in any town. Thus, you will be with people who are interesting to you, increasing chances to find a suitable companion. If it comes to online dating, it’s also a good idea to pick another site if you haven’t managed to succeed. What if you chose a bad service? So don’t stop and just keep trying. 

3. Live in the real world

Haven’t you noticed how many people are always in their gadgets? We understand that the virtual world is a great phenomenon full of possibilities and exciting things. Moreover, the internet provides us with all the necessary opportunities — even regarding dating. But if we are talking about your real life, then it’s obligatory to look around and see what’s going on. Just take a quick look to see if there is someone you like at the moment because love is everywhere

4. Quick flings and casual encounters are not what you need

We all have different needs, and there is nothing inappropriate in having non-serious relationships or something like this. At least, while you are both single. However, talking about love and committed relationships, you have to realize that your aims must be clear. Don’t try to find someone who can give you a quick relief because you are here to find support, dedication, respect, and understanding. Anyway, the point is to be with a person who wants the same so make sure you know what you both wish for. This will help you ensure the strongest connection and also help you avoid various complications.

5. Don’t worry, be happy

Don’t forget that a relationship is a job for two people. In other words, you have to correspond to your own preferences. How could you find a happy person if you are not happy? It’s a great mistake to start a relationship if you feel desperate, broken, or uncomfortable. The first thing you have to do is to take care of yourself, become a person you are proud of. Such people always attract others because they shine like a beautiful star, making other smile and be filled with energy. 

There are many ways how you can improve yourself, depending on the issue you have. It may be mental health or physical health, for example. So choose the best option and move straight to your aims!

6. Do not hustle too much

If you had a relationship before, it’s essential to take a break for a while. The reason is that after break-ups it’s hard to understand what you want, who you are, and how to not make the same mistake in the future. People who don’t wait for enough and start new relationships after divorces often repeat the mistakes they made earlier. Besides, everything has its positive moments, so enjoy your freedom and do things you couldn’t do in a relationship. Once you are healed, you will become a better person ready for new beginnings.

7. Sexual attraction can be very tricky

It’s too simple to confuse real feelings with sexual attraction because it’s extremely strong and it makes your brain burst with hormones so you feel much happier. However, love is a long-lasting emotion that is based on a lot of different factors. It’s a common situation when people lose interest in their relationship after sexual attraction is gone, which is no good at all. If you don’t want such a finale, make sure you know what you feel.

8. Do you think that opposites attract each other?

This theory is interesting and it’s actually true, but it doesn’t mean that it works for you. Opposites have too much to share with each other, which makes them think like it’s a great decision to be together. In fact, in the long run, such partners have low chances to build a healthy relationship because they won’t find too many common things. 

9. A ‘psychotic optimist’ mindset

“You think, at all costs; love is designed for you and will reach you so that you will only have to go hell until you discover it. That is, you will believe that love at all costs.

You have to embrace the dating process thus taking a “psychotic optimist” approach makes it much more fun after you are certain that true love is for you. We suggest that you date at the same time between three and five individuals until you discover one exclusive to you. Dating implies “knowing sometimes,” not having someone to sleep with. She recommends that you have no sex until you are in an exclusive, committed relationship

10. Realize your necessities

It’s vital to understand what you need. Otherwise, you will never get it! If you don’t know how to ask to do something you need, then how could your partner do it? So take your time and think over what is essential for you and what you want to have.

11. Don’t confuse loving games with serious intentions

Until you enter into a serious relationship, you don’t really realize what you will have to share. While you are just fooling around, dating a guy or a girl, and meeting a few days a week, you can’t even imagine what baggage your future partner has. Be ready for complications and surprises that are waiting for you in the future because it’s much more difficult to live together rather than going on dates.

12. Don’t chose impossible tasks

a woman playinh chess

If you think that you love someone but you can’t get anything from this person, there are a lot of reasons for this: your feelings are not mutual, the person you are trying to reach is already in a relationship, this person is from an absolutely different tier, and so on. We don’t say that you don’t have to try, but you should realize the reality you live in and don’t bleed yourself trying to complete an impossible task.
